written by
Amar Vyas

The Clever Jackal

Baalgatha 2 min read

Learn how a jackal saves his own life and by taking advantage of an unsuspecting lion.

Once upon a time, there was a clever jackal who lived in the forest. One day, the jackal was walking through the forest when he came across a lion. The lion was very hungry, and he saw the jackal as a delicious meal.

The lion roared at the jackal, and the jackal was terrified. But the jackal was also very clever, and he knew that he had to think of a way to outsmart the lion.

"Please, don't eat me," the jackal said to the lion. "I am a messenger from the other animals in the forest. We have come to offer you our tribute."

The lion was curious, and he asked the jackal what kind of tribute the animals were offering.

"We are offering you our best food," the jackal said. "We have gathered it all together, and it is waiting for you in the clearing just beyond the trees."

The lion was very interested, and he followed the jackal to the clearing. When they arrived, the jackal saw that there was a large pile of food in the middle of the clearing.

"This is for you," the jackal said to the lion. "Please, enjoy it."

The lion was very happy, and he started to eat the food. The jackal watched the lion eat, and he smiled to himself. He knew that he had outsmarted the lion, and he was safe.

The lion ate and ate until he was full. When he was finished, he thanked the jackal and went on his way. The jackal was relieved, and he went back to his home in the forest.

The jackal was a very clever animal, and he used his intelligence to outsmart the lion. This story teaches us that it is important to use our intelligence to overcome challenges.

How the jackal got the food

The jackal knew that the other animals in the forest were afraid of the lion, so he used that to his advantage. He went to each animal and asked for a donation of food. Some of the animals were hesitant at first, but the jackal was very persuasive. He told them that the lion was very hungry and that they needed to help him. Eventually, the animals agreed to donate food. The jackal collected all of the food and took it to the clearing where the lion was waiting.

The jackal was very clever in how he got the food. He knew that the lion was very hungry, so he used that to his advantage. He also knew that the other animals were afraid of the lion, so he used that to his advantage as well. The jackal was able to get the food he needed by playing on the fears and needs of the other animals.

I hope you enjoyed the story!