written by
Amar Vyas

Prince Shersingh and his Three Friends

Parikatha 2 min read


Listen to this story to learn about the adventures of Prince Shersingh and his three friends. This story is available in Fairytales of India Podcast.


Once upon a time, there lived a King and Queen. They would have been as happy as the day was long, had it not been for this one circumstance: they had no children. At last, an old fakîr, came to the palace, asked to see the Queen, and gave her some barley corns. He told her to eat them and cease weeping, for in nine months she would have a beautiful little son. The Queen ate the barley corns, and sure enough, after nine months she bore the most charming, lovely, handsome boy. He was named Prince Shersingh.

Excerpts from the Story

Prince Shersingh and his three companions, Bhairav Singh, Ramsingh, and Sajjan, came upon a magnificent city that was lying deserted and desolate in the wilderness.

As they passed through it, they saw tall houses, broad bazaars, shops still full of goods.

After some time, Bhairavsingh said, "Of course!

I remember now... this must be the city I have heard about.

A demon lives here, who will not let anyone live in peace!"

Bhairavsingh meets the Demon

"Give me my dinner!" cried demon, who had taken the form of a little figureine or a mannequin.

"Your dinner!

Come, on that is a joke!" said Bhairavsingh, laughing.

"Give it to me at once!" cried the little warrior in a louder voice, "or I'll hang you to the nearest tree!"

At these words the mannequin grew up into a terribly tall demon.

The Demon is slayed

Bhairavsingh, who had slayed the demon, was married to the daughter of the richest merchant in town.

When the wedding was over, and Prince Shersingh prepared to leave the town.He wanted to start once more on his journey, and encounter new adventures. Before leaving, he gave Bhairav Singh a barley plant, bidding him tend it very carefully.

Ramsingh was afraid that if he told the truth his companions would think him a coward for not fighting the demon. In fact everything happened to him just as it had happened to Bhairavsingh.

He was assigned the task of cooking, while Shersingh and Sajjan looked through the town. No sooner had the dinner begun to give off an appetising smell than the ghost appeared in the form of an old woman.

"Give me my dinner!" shrieked the old woman.