Are you considering switching from the ATR USB 2100 to a Blue Yeti microphone for your podcast recordings? If so, there are a few issues that you may encounter, particularly if you are based in India. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the common challenges such as ambient noise, echo, and audio quality that you may face when using a new microphone.

Photographer: Bogomil Mihaylov | Source: Unsplash

Ambient Noise

One of the primary concerns when recording podcasts is dealing with ambient noise. This can include background sounds like traffic, construction, or even household appliances. While the ATR USB 2100 may have provided some level of noise cancellation, it's essential to assess whether the Blue Yeti microphone offers similar or better capabilities in reducing unwanted noise. Understanding how to optimize your recording environment by using soundproofing techniques or choosing quieter locations can significantly improve the overall audio quality.


Echo is another issue that podcasters often encounter when transitioning to a new microphone. It occurs when sound waves bounce off surfaces and create a repetitive effect in the recording. To minimize echo, consider adjusting your recording setup by adding acoustic panels or foam to absorb sound reflections. Additionally, experimenting with microphone placement and distance can help reduce echo and enhance audio clarity.

Photographer: Javier Esteban | Source: Unsplash

Audio Quality

The quality of your podcast audio is crucial for delivering an enjoyable listening experience to your audience. When switching microphones, it's essential to evaluate whether the Blue Yeti provides better audio quality compared to the ATR USB 2100. Pay attention to factors such as frequency response, sensitivity, and signal-to-noise ratio. Conducting test recordings and comparing them side-by-side can help you determine which microphone produces superior results for your specific needs.


Switching from one microphone to another can be an exciting but challenging process for podcasters. When considering a transition from the ATR USB 2100 to a Blue Yeti microphone, it's important to be aware of potential issues such as ambient noise, echo, and audio quality. By addressing these challenges head-on and implementing appropriate solutions, you can ensure a seamless transition and continue creating high-quality podcast episodes.

Remember, the success of your podcast ultimately depends on the content you deliver and the connection you establish with your audience. So, take the time to choose a microphone that suits your recording environment and enhances your unique voice. Happy podcasting!